Local History Museum Brittnau

The museum (Ortsmuseum) housed in the town hall, shows the local and ecclesiastical history of the city.

Maison Cailler in Broc

Maison Cailler opened its doors in 2010 in Broc (canton of Fribourg). The chocolate producer Cailler presents and showcases the world of chocolate in all its facets. Visitors experience the history of the Spanish discovery of cocoa beans in the 16th century, the first chocolate in European countries, the development of the factory and production … Read more » “Maison Cailler in Broc”

Maison de la Nature Neuchâteloise

The Maison de la Nature Neuchâteloise (AMNN) wants to promote respect for and knowledge of nature. The three buildings (Noctule, Morille and Maison Rousseau) present exhibitions and documentation and information.

Vindonissa Museum

The archaeological Museum presents the history of the only Roman Legionary camp in Switzerland. An exhibition shows the most important findings and insights from more than 100 years of excavations. Temporary exhibitions on specific themes are presented regularly and most of the camp has been reconstructed and can be visited.