Villa Le Lac

The Villa “Le Lac”(1923) is a little gem of ingenuity and functionalism – an architectural manifesto where one can find the key ideas of the program developed by Le Corbusier (1887-1965) during the 1920s for his famous “white houses”. This laboratory of modern ideas is one of his most personal and inventive works. The villa … Read more » “Villa Le Lac”

Chaplin’s World

For Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), the manoir de Ban in Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Geneva, was a refuge. There, he continued working on scripts, books, films, and musical compositions. He lived there with his family from 1952 until his death in 1977. Nowadays, the manoir is a museum that shows Chaplin’s (family) life, his … Read more » “Chaplin’s World”

Chez Camille Bloch

In this world of chocolate, the history, the company, the traditional brands and the modern production are presented.  

Miniature Trains Museum

The collective tells the story of 150 years of Swiss Railways and presents more than 1,300 models in historical chronology.