Bruno Weber Park

The 15,000 square metre art space is Switzerland’s largest sculpture park created by a single artist. Parallel to the broad industrialisation of the Limmat Valley, Bruno Weber (1931-2011) has created a world that conveys its own understanding of man, nature and habitat. The Bruno Weber Foundation enables the further expansion of the so-called “Vineyard Park” … Read more » “Bruno Weber Park”

Abbey museum

The museum shows the natural and cultural history dimensions of Surselva, whereby the main emphasis is on the 1300 years history of the abbey. This is done with many exhibits that range from the early Middle Ages through to the modern age. The cultural history department is enriched by a special exhibition featuring Russian and … Read more » “Abbey museum”

Mineral Museum

The museum (Uniun Cristallina) provides an overview of the minerals in Surselva (canton Grisons).