Village Museum Eglisau

The  museum documents salmon fishing on the Upper Rhine and the history of the town.  

Panorama Crucifixion Christ

The panorama was invented at the end of the 18th century.  In a panorama the spectator, from an elevated standpoint, has a 360-degree view of a realistic representation of a landscape, a town, or an historic event. To create the illusion of ‘being in the picture’, it is most important that the subject is represented … Read more » “Panorama Crucifixion Christ”

Diorama Bethlehem

The Diorama shows the nativity scene of Christ. Over 450 figures on 80 m2 with a background which measures more than 30 m. The seamless transition from the plastic landscape to the painted background creates the perfect illusion of an endless scenery. Great care was put on creating an exact copy of the environs of … Read more » “Diorama Bethlehem”