Fram Museum

The collection includes historical objects, books and photographs by Einsiedeln. The emphasis is on pilgrimage, popular religious culture and local history and culture.

Gingerbread Museum

The museum (Lebkuchenmuseum) in the more than 100 year old bakery shows a detailed picture of the history and machines of the bakery Goldapfel and its specialties.  

Slate Factory Museum

Switzerland’s only functioning slate factory (Schiertafelfabrik) can be found amidst the wooden houses of the idyllic village of Elm (Glarus Canton). After production ceased in 1961, a foundation acquired the factory with the aim of preserving for posterity the once flourishing slate industry with its global exports. The tools, equipment, machines, slate dust, sawdust and … Read more » “Slate Factory Museum”

Art Platform Akku

Akku organizes exhibitions on contemporary art in an environment of industrial architecture from the fifties.