Castle Museum Johannisburg

The castle consists of three museums. The State Gallery contains the former collection of the archbishops of Mainz, including the great collection of paintings by Lucas Cranach and his school. The exhibition rooms of the state administration shows reconstructed rooms from the classicistic era and the time as a royal Bavarian castle after 1814, paintings from Aschaffenburg … Read more » “Castle Museum Johannisburg”

Spa Museum

The Spa Museum (Bädermuseum) shows the history of centuries of spas. Pictures, drawings, spa glasses, postcards, hotel brochures, guest registers and bathing rules give an impression oft he social, cultural and medical aspects of bathing.

Feder Lake Museum

The museum (Federseemuseum) is an archaeological site and presents prehistorical and Celtic life. Numerous findings of commodities and works of art show the daily life of early settlers. Unique are the findings of the eldest preserved cartwheel in Middle Europe, the Celtic Bird heads and the four lake dwellings.

Monastery Museum Schussenried

The museum sheds light on the history of the monastery, the role of science, the religious way of life and the political, economic and cultural activities of the monastery.