The Banneret Wisard House

The “banneret Wisard” house is a monument in the heart of the old village of Grandval, and is the oldest building of its kind in the Bernese Jura. Its construction is dated 1535. The museum aims to show the functioning of this house and its outbuildings in this old rural area.

Maison Buttin-de Loës

The patrician house presents local history, furniture and objects from everyday life from the 17th to the 19th century.  

The Kaeserberg railways

The Kaeserberg railways tell the daily life of the past ten years in the twentieth century through the eyes of trains and their passengers. The landscape and the railways have been imitated down to the smallest detail and the reality of the Swiss landscape. Visitors travel virtually by locomotive and admire the railway and the … Read more » “The Kaeserberg railways”

Museum of Witches

The museum (Hexenmuseum) offers insights into the history of witches and the witch trials in Switzerland and Europe.