Max Ernst Museum

The museum tells the story of the German artist Max Ernst (1891-1976), Dada and surrealism, exile in the USA and return to Europe (Paris). The collection Peter Schamoni and Schneppenheim are exhibited and the almost complete works of graphical art and the 36 “D-paintings”.    

Alamanni Museum

The Museum tells the story of the history of the Alamanni in southern Germany from the third to the eighth century AD. In the centre of interest lies Lauchheim, which is a few kilometers located away from Ellwangen. Since 1986 there has been found not only the biggest cemetery of the Alamanni over there, but also lots of jewelleries, weaponry … Read more » “Alamanni Museum”

Municipal Museum Engen

The museum houses the gallery, the archaeological department, religious art and organizes temporary exhibitions of modern and cultural/historical exhibitions.