Hebel Museum

The museum (Hebelhaus)  is dedicated to the life and works of the writer, theologian, pedagogue and poet Johann Peter Hebel (1760-1826).

Franz Marc Museum

In the building the work of Franz Marc can be put into the context of his contemporaries like the “Brücke” artists and other German post-WOI abstraction. Franz Marc will also be appreciated in terms of his effect on the art of the second half of the 20th century. A regularly redesigned hanging within the Franz … Read more » “Franz Marc Museum”

Museum Quintana

The archaeological museum (Archäologisches Museum) shows the findings of the first human presence in the German village Künzig from the fifty century BC onwards. The biggest treasure is the excavation of a huge burial site with 30 000 potsherds and bones. About 90 AD, a Roman military castle was built. The collection contains many objects … Read more » “Museum Quintana”

TriRhena Museum

One region, and three countries. The museum (Musée des Trois Pays, Dreiländer Musem) explains the history of the region TriRhena, the three countries on the Rhine, Germany, France and Switzerland. How did this division came into being, although the regions shared a common cultural, religious, economic and ethnical background and what are the consequences in … Read more » “TriRhena Museum”