Farming- and Craft Museum

The mission of the museum (musée paysan et artisanal)is to preserve and promote the artisanal and agricultural heritage of the region.  

Islam Museum Mucivi

The permanent exhibition of the museum (musée des civilisations de l’Islam)presents the culture and history of Islam on the basis of six themes, arranged chronologically.

The Maison blanche

The Maison blanche depicts the pioneering architecture of the first half of the 20th century and the artistic development of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier,1887-1965) in particular. The carefully restored Maison blanche is also a place to place Le Corbusier’s works in artistic and cultural-historical perspective.  

Museum of History and Art La Neuveville

The museum presents the rich past of the region, the private and public life of the city, and the large hall houses the rich loot from the Burgundian wars (1476).