Art Collection Fondazione Ghisla

The works in the Fondazione Ghisla represent the art from the late 20th century up to today, Pop Art, Arte Informale, Conceptual Art, Abstract Art and New Dada movements.

Museum of Art Casa Rusca

The museum (Piancoteca Comunale) houses a rich collection of modern art, works by Jean Arp, Varlin, Sophie Taeuber, Hans Richter, Filippo Franzoni and many others.  

Casorella Museum

The museum’s collection is based on the works and influence of Jean Arp (1887 – 1966). In addition to Arp’s works, the museum presents many works by his contemporaries, including Joseph Albers, Willi Baumeister, Michel Berkelaers, Camille Bryen, Sonia Delaunay, Piero Dorazio, Viking Eggeling, Max Ernst, Fritz Glarner and others, Walter Helbig, Johannes Itten, Marcel … Read more » “Casorella Museum”

Onsernonese Museum

The museum (Museo Onsernonese) shows the history and culture of the valley and the straw industry in particular. The products were exported to the United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom and the palaces of the straw barons still dominate the region. The development of (chemical) products from the nineteenth century led to the decline of … Read more » “Onsernonese Museum”