Glacier Museum Lourtier

The museum presents the glaciers of the Alpine region and related themes in all their relevant aspects.    

Sherlock Holms Museum

The museum was created by Adrian, the son of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , in 1965. The collection displays books and objects referring to Sherlock Holmes,  Conan Doyle’s personal objects and furniture and an exact copy of the meticulously detailed room by the inclusion of hundreds of authentic objects.


The collection and exhibitions are presented on two locations. The main site is the LAC building. The museum displays (contemporary) art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The second location is the Palazzo Reali. This collection is mainly comprised of pieces from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and  works by Ticinese artists from earlier … Read more » “MASI”

Museum of Cultures Lugano

The Museum (museo delle culture) is a cultural and research centre oriented towards the exhibition, study, preservation and divulgation of the anthropology of art.