Heidi Museum

The location is dedicated to Heidi, the Swiss girl created by the author Johanna Spyri (1827-1901). The Heidi museum and house tell the story of Heidi and her village Heididorf.  

Segantini Atelier Maloja

The atelier shows the life and person of the painter Giovanni Segantini (1858-1899). It is located in Maloja, the alpine village where he and his family lived from 1894 until his death in 1899. The small round building is located at the path leading to the Torre Belvedere and directly adjacent to Chalet Kuoni, the … Read more » “Segantini Atelier Maloja”

Village Museum Marthalen

The museum (Ortsmuseum) shows the history of the village and the region.  

Pierre Gianadda Foundation

The Foundation (La Fondation Pierre Gianadda) presents works by Klee, Goya, Rodin, Giacometti, Schiele, Lautrec, Moore, Modigliani, Claudel, Chagall, Braque, Degas, de Staël, Manet, Dufy, Miró, Gauguin, Bonnard, Kandinsky, Van Gogh, Picasso, Van Dongen, Morisot, Signac, Anker, Balthus, Erni, Renoir, Matisse and other modern artists and organises temporary exhibitions. The complex includes a Roman museum … Read more » “Pierre Gianadda Foundation”