Alexis Forel museum

The museum shows the works by the etcher and art collector Alexis Forel (1852-1922) and his wife and painter Emmeline (1860-1957), a prestigious set of etchings by the most renowned names in Europe from the 16th through to the 19th century,  European furniture, tapestries, glassworks and pottery  of the 16th to the 19th centuries and … Read more » “Alexis Forel museum”

Cartoon House Morges

The House (Maison du Dessin de Presse) brings current, satirical and humorous drawings to the fore through exhibitions and events.  

Paderewski Museum

The museum highlights the presence of the Pole Ignace Paderewski (1860-1940)between 1897 and 1940 as a theme, using objects and documents, most of which are Original.

Fondation Bolle

The exhibition space organises temporary exhibitions on the heritage of Morges and the region and presents a permanent collection of engravings, postcards and photographs.