The Schaulager

The Schaulager was founded in 2003 with the aim of combining storage and presentation of contemporary art, as a research institute, storage and location for exhibitions and as a platform for dialogue and exchange. Schaulager also initiates exhibitions and projects to make contemporary art accessible to the general public.  

Münsingen Castle

With two permanent exhibitions, the museum commemorates the former castle dwellers, the von Steiger family from Bern, and the legacy of the puppeteer Therese Keller. In addition, attention is paid to historical themes.

Muri Monastery Museum

The Benedictine monastery of Muri is one of the most significant cultural monuments in the Canton of Aargau. It was founded in 1027 by Count Radbot of Habsburg. The Romanesque crypt, the Gothic raised choir and the central octagon in Baroque style bear witness to the continuation of architectural alteration, renewal and addition throughout the … Read more » “Muri Monastery Museum”