Bath Museum Pfäfers

The museum gives an insight into the history of the bath and bathing from its origins to the present day and is a place of culture with concerts and exhibitions.

Pfäffikon Museum

The permanent exhibition of the museum (Museum am Pfäffikersee) shows numerous prehistoric finds and pile dwellings from Pfäffikon and the surrounding area. Other themes are trade and housing in the 18th and 19th centuries, late Gothic church building in rural Zurich, Oberland housing and industrialisation and the history painter Johann Caspar Bosshardt (1823-1887).

The cultural centre Vögele

The cultural centre presents multidisciplinary exhibitions for a wide audience. The most diverse aspects of a socially relevant theme are explained in the exhibitions by means of art, installations on location, everyday objects and media. The aim is to make the visitor aware of current topics in an entertaining way, to reflect on them and … Read more » “The cultural centre Vögele”

Museum of the Alps

The museum (Museum Alpin) presents an exhibition of the Grisons mountains, fauna, flora, geology and alpine culture.