Museum of Art Casa Console Poschiavo

The museum’s art collection consists of works from the (German) Romantic period and works by Swiss artists of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

National Museum Château de Prangins

The National Museum Zurich, Prangins Castle (Château de Prangins) and the Forum of Swiss History in Schwyz are united under the Swiss National Museum (SNM) umbrella. The permanent exhibitions at the museums present Swiss (cultural) history from prehistory to the present and give an insight into Swiss identity, history and culture.  

Museum Swiss Abroad

The Museum for the History of the Swiss Abroad (Musée des Suisses dans le Monde), housed in the Penthes Castle, aims to study and publicize the history of relations between Switzerland and the world, especially through the life and works of Swiss people who made their own unique mark on the time in which they lived. … Read more » “Museum Swiss Abroad”

Roman Villa Pully

The Roman villa was built at the beginning of the second century. The museum shows frescos, porticus, walls, objects from daily life, mosaics and the remains of the villa are open to the public and organises events related to archaeology (