Museum of Swiss History

The Museum (Forum Schweizer Geschichte) shows the history of the Swiss Confederation (Eidgenossenschaft) in the Middle Ages. The permanent exhibition   focuses on the foundation and early development of the Old Swiss Confederacy in the Middle Ages. The thematic approach puts this development into European perspective. The role of the Church, trade and business, commercial routes, … Read more » “Museum of Swiss History”

Ital Reding-Hofstatt and Bethlehem

The Ital Reding Estate is one of the most impressive building complexes in Canton Schwyz. Its stately rooms, the rich interior decoration and the Baroque style garden reflect the splendour of a seventeenth century manour house. The Estate also compromises the Bethlehem House, built in 1287. Today it houses the Schwyzer Fasnachtszimmer of Carnival hall.

Nairs Foundation

The Foundation (Fundaziun Nairs / Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst Nairs) is a synthesis of an art gallery, cultural centre and artist-in-residence programme. It links the region with Swiss and international contemporary art. It focuses on Engadin of today and events relating to the cultural life of the Romansh.

Museum of Lower Engadine

The permanent exhibition of the museum (Museum d’Engiadina Bassa) is dedicated to the history, culture and life in the Lower Engadine (Unter Engadin) until the middle of the 20th century. The museum also houses an exhibition on prehistoric settlements in the Lower Engadine.