Frey-Naepflin Foundation

The foundation (Frey-Naepflin Stiftung) organizes the permanent exhibition of a collection of paintings collected by the couple Frey-Naepflin. The focus is primarely on Dutch, Italian, French and German painters from the 16th to the 19th centuries with works by Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonis van Dyck, Filippino Lippi, Quentin Metsys und Hans Schäuffelein.

Museum im Turmhof

The museum shows the culture and history of the Untersee region.

Hans and Marlis Suter Art Collection

Every year in summer/autumn two exhibitions with works from the collection of Hans and Marlis Suters are on display.

Folklore Museum Appenzell

The focus in this museum is on the folk art, folk culture and the crafts of weaving and embroidery of the alpine farming communities of the Appenzellerland.