La Fondation La Maison de la Rivière

The Fondation La Maison de la Rivière  (House of the River) in Tolochenaz (canton of Vaud) was founded in 2007 by the University of Lausanne (UNIL), the Geneva University of Applied Sciences for Landscape, Engineering and Architecture (la Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève, hepia) and the Association Truite-Léman (ATL) The Foundation … Read more » “La Fondation La Maison de la Rivière”

Zither Museum

The Swiss Zither Cultural Centre displays the collection of all zither instruments played in Switzerland, from their beginnings to the present day. 111 instruments document more than 250 years of development and culture, supplemented by music, patents, pictures and detailed.  

Asphalt Mines Museum

The museum shows the asphalt mines and underground galleries where for three centuries men have mined asphalt from the mountains. The museum also presents a Swiss speciality at the Café des Mines: ham cooked in hot asphalt. The ham is wrapped in newspaper or butcher’s paper and then covered with a bag of flour. The … Read more » “Asphalt Mines Museum”