City Museum Wil

The museum is above all the museum of the history of the city Wil.

Aargau Museum

The museum (Museum Aargau) is housed at different locations and in different buildings. The museum encompasses four castles (Wildegg, Habsburg, Hallwyl and Lenzburg), the Vindonissa museum and the reconstruction of the Roman army camp in Windisch, the (former) monastery in Köningsfelden, the virtual museum industriekulTour and the central collection hall in Egliswil. The Wildegg Castle … Read more » “Aargau Museum”

Military Museum Wildegg

The museum is dedicated to Swiss military material from the time of the Second World War until the year 2000.  

Birthplace Huldrych Zwingli

In memory of the reformer Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) his birthplace was transformed into a memorial.