Cathedral Treasury

The museum (Domschatz) presents the splendid medieval treasures of the St. Ursen-Cathedral, amongst others the Hornbacher Sakramentar (10th. century), manuscripts, textiles and coins.

Coin and Antiquity museum

The Coin and Antiquity museum (Münzkabinett und Antikensammlung) presents Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Swiss and other European coins and medals from antiquity to the present. The antiquity department deals with the cultures of the Middle East, Greece and Rome.  


The evolution of life over a period of 570 million years is the focus of the displays in the museum. Chronological panoramas give a descriptive overview and numerous fossil exhibits enable to take a look into the past. The focus is on human biology and the comparative anatomy of human and other vertebrate skeletons. Numerous … Read more » “Kulturama”


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