Museum of Communication

The museum (Museum fur Kommunikation) presents the history of communication and the latest developments in new technologies, the postal services and many objects related to all aspects of communication.

Natural History Museum

The museum (Naturhistorisches Museum) contains an superb collection of historical dioramas, stones, crystals and minerals  and organizes contemporary exhibitions.

Cerny Inuit Collection

The works at the museum give an impression of the culture and life of the peoples in the Polar regions,  demonstrating astonishing similarities with our regions.  Themes of the collection include animals, people, family, hunting, metamorphoses, compositions and schamanism and objects of daily life. Materials used for the sculptures and wallhangings are natural products from the … Read more » “Cerny Inuit Collection”

The Playing Collection

The collection compromises over a 1000 wind instruments and drums from three centuries, including rare abjects, such as classical horns and flutes, an alto saxophone from 1853 and alp horns.