Turmmuseum Ötz

The museum displays furniture, sculptures, paintings, from medieval sacred art to the development of alpine landscape painting, famous sculptors, contemporary art and photography.  

Carnuntinum Museum

The Museum Carnuntinum is Austria’s largest Roman museum. Built in the style of a Roman country villa, the elegant structure houses the treasures of more than 400 years of Roman life in Carnuntum (today’s Petronell). The Carnuntum city have been reconstructed in its historical context: a citizen’s house, a splendid city mansion and public baths. … Read more » “Carnuntinum Museum”

Museum Pfunds

The Museum shows the rural work, history culture of the region and the village.    

Altfinstermünz Castle

Altfinstermünz castle was the court for the Lower Engadine, Nauders and Pfunds region from the 9th to the 11th century. Altfinstermünz can be reached today from different sides, one way leads from the Lower Engadine, a second way led already in Roman times to Altfinstermünz, the Via Claudia Augusta.