Évolène Museum

In the Wallis House (1776) is an exhibition dedicated to the culture of Évolènarde of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Art and History Museum Fribourg

The Art and History Museum (Museum für Kunst und Geschichte/Musée d’art et d’histoire) presents a rich collection of art and archaeology from our origins to the present day. The biggest collection of Swiss sculpture from the first half of the 16th century. Spread over three old buildings in the town of Fribourg, the museum has … Read more » “Art and History Museum Fribourg”

Bible Orient Museum

The collections show religious relics from the 10th BC onward, starting with ancient Egyptian, oriental and Jewish works, found during archaeological projects in the Middle East. Christianity should develop a true cult of relics however and the biblical written word, apocryphal documents and objects are analysed to get insight into their meaning from their contemporary perspective. … Read more » “Bible Orient Museum”

Fri Art Centre

The Centre mounts temporary exhibitions with experienced artists. With its coherent and forward-looking programme, Fri Art is a laboratory, a production centre open to the development of current artistic trends. The objectives of the association and Centre are to highlight artistic creation and promote contemporary research.