Puppet Museum

The collection contains dolls for various playing techniques from all over the world, including China, India, Indonesia, Africa, South America and European countries. It also contains beautiful paper theatres, landscape scenery and masks.

Foundation Zoubov

The museum (musée Fondation Zoubov) exhibits the residence and interior of a French-style house from around 1720 et 1723. The residence belonged to a nobel family and all VIPs visited the residence, such as Camille de Cavour, Jean-Jacques de Sellon, Théodore Turrettini, Franz Liszt. The museum shows paintings, furniture and numerous artefacts from the eighteenth … Read more » “Foundation Zoubov”

Centre for Contemporary Art and MAMCO

The Centre for Contemporary Art organises exhibitions in various fields, including architecture, dance, design, design, design, reading, reading, design, drawing, painting, sculpture and photography.

Fondation Bauer

Les collections de la Fondation Baur, Musée des Arts d’Extrême-Orient, présentent près de 9000 objets d’art de la Chine et du Japon. Le collectionneur Alfred Baur (1865-1951) est à l’origine d’un ensemble de céramiques impériales, jades et flacons à tabac chinois du VIIIe au XIXe siècle, ainsi que d’objets d’art japonais comprenant des céramiques, laques, estampes, netsuke … Read more » “Fondation Bauer”