Nature Museum

The museum shows animals, plants, fossils, fossils, fossils, rocks and minerals of the region.

Stone Museum

The museum (Steinmuseum) is dedicated to (Roman,  medieval and early modern) inscriptions on stone and the use of stone in city building since Roman times.

Cultural House Moulin Grillon

The House (Espace culturel Moulin Grillon Association) is a member of URSINIA, a cultural association whose aim is to promote the cultural development of St. Ursanne and Clos du Doubs in the broadest sense of the word  ( Every last Sunday afternoon there is an opportunity to see the work of artists.  

The Abbey library

The Abbey of the former Benedictine monastery of St. Gall, founded in 612 by the Irish monk Gallus, is famous today. The library possesses about 170 000 books. At the heart the collection are 2 100 medieval manuscripts, of which 400 date before the year 1000.  They form the very basis of Western cultural and … Read more » “The Abbey library”