Kesselhaus Josephsohn

The Kesselhaus exhibits a regularly changing selection of plaster models and bronze casts by Hans Josephsohn (1920-2012) It serves as a museum-like exhibition hall and at the same time as a gallery, workspace and storage. It shows works from all periods of his artistic developments.

Kunst Halle St. Gallen

The Kunst Halle has been committed to contemporary art since 1985. The Kunst Halle has made a name for itself as a  platform for young art. It provides new stimuli as a place for experiments and the production of contemporary art and contributes to the international networking.  

Lagerhaus Museum

The Foundation for Swiss Naive Art and Art Brut (Stiftung für schweizerische Naive Kunst und Art Brut)  was founded on 1 February 1988. Foundation and museum dedicate themselves to increasing awareness and understanding of the different aspects of this Art.  

Historical and Etnological Museum

The museum (Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum) deals with the prehistoric and early history, the history of St-Gall, period rooms from the 16th to the 19th century, glass paintings, furniture,  Swiss folk art, porcelain, costumes and many other objects. The Ethnological section shows  objects from other continents.