Museum of Prehistory

The Museum of Prehistory (Museum für Urgeschichte) offers an exhibition about the archaeological finds from Canton Zug. A tour with true-to-life scenes, settlement models and stories visualises everyday life from the Ice Age to the Early Middle Ages. The section ′rare witnesses′ is devoted to extraordinary wooden artefacts from Lake Zug. At special events in … Read more » “Museum of Prehistory”

Museum Castle

The castle (Museum Burg), the former seat of the Lenzburgs, Kyburgs and Habsburgs, is a museum of (cultural) history for the City and Canton of Zug.  

Fishery Museum Zug

The museum (Fischereimuseum) shows the history of fishing and its related objects around 1900 and next to it a chamber of curiosities reminiscent of the chambers of curiosities of the late Renaissance and Baroque periods. The aim of the museum and fishing association is also the preservation of fish stocks, water, nature and landscape conservation.

Village Museum Wiedikon

The museum presents the local history and organizes cultural-historical and art exhibitions.