Museum of Applied Arts

The museum (Museum für Gestaltung) shows collections of design, graphics, applied art and Posters with over 500 000 objects of significant works from the history of aesthetic and technical development of the industrialized age. The museum für Gestaltung Zürich is the leading Swiss museum for design and visual communication and is located at two sites in … Read more » “Museum of Applied Arts”

Pavillon Le Corbusier

The Pavillon is dedicated to the work of Le Corbusier, his architecture, sculptures, graphics, paintings, furniture designs and writings. The museum was an idea of  the Swiss architect and art collector Heidi Weber, who gave Le Corbusier the commission to design the building. The museum opened in 1967 as Center Le Corbusier and the Heidi … Read more » “Pavillon Le Corbusier”

Museum of Guilds

The museum (Zunftstadt Zürich) presents the history of the guilds in Zurich from 1336 tot 1798 that were instrumental in shaping the professional and social life of the city, like in other European towns. The guilds (Zünfte)  had a decisive impact on Zurich life and politics starting from the XIVth to the late XVIIIth century.   … Read more » “Museum of Guilds”

Toy Museum

The collection of European toys from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century mirror in miniature the life of respective eras: Trains and steam engines bear witness to the technical revolution, dolls and their costumes illustrate fashion trends, doll houses show the domestic life of earlier generations. Pewter figures, antique games, wooden toys, … Read more » “Toy Museum”