Ethnographic museum

The museum (Völkerkundemuseum) explores social, technical and philosophical achievements and developments by foreign peoples and cultures. Changing exhibitions, events, archives and a public library offer space for an in depth insight into different worlds.  

LUMA Westbau

The LUMA foundation was established in 2004 to support the activities of artists and institutions working in the fields of art, photography, publishing, documentary and multimedia. The foundation presents international projects, exhibitions and events.

Städtische Galerie zum Strauhof

The Strauhof is showing three major exhibitions each year, which examine the works of particular authors or a wide variety of literary topics. Visitors experience literature not only in text form, but also as an accessible, staged space. Classic works are portrayed in a contemporary context, stories are given a new focus, and visitors’ powers … Read more » “Städtische Galerie zum Strauhof”

Central Library Zurich

The Library (Zentralbibliothek) collects academic literature on all the subjects taught at the University of Zurich, with a special focus on the liberal arts and social sciences. The library offers a wide selection of (popular) literature, graphics, manuscripts, maps, music and old prints and organises regular exhibitions to present its collections and the topics.