Viticulture Museum Au

The museum provides an insight into the history of viticulture from the Romans to the present day.  

Woodmuseum Aubonne

The museum (Musée du Bois) is dedicated to forestry and woodworking in all its facets.  

Roman Town Augusta Raurica

The Roman town of Augusta Raurica (Augst) is one of the most important ancient sites in Switzerland. The Foundation Pro Augusta Raurica (PAR) is a private institution. The members promote projects and publications concerning the conservation of, research on and education about Augusta Raurica. A selection of the findings are on display at the Museum. … Read more » “Roman Town Augusta Raurica”

Roman Museum Avenches

The museum is housed in the medieval tower that was built in and on the amphitheatre. The museum gives an overview of the history and culture of Roman Switzerland and the region around Avenches in particular.