Museum of Electricity Baden

Numerous historical apparatus and facilities from power plants, industry and private households illustrate how electricity was once generated, transported and consumed. The showpiece of the collection of the museum (Elektromuseum) is a complete historical group of machines. The turbine used in 1918, the impressive wooden gearwheel and the generator from 1925 illustrate how hydropower used … Read more » “Museum of Electricity Baden”

Church Treasury Museum

Above the vaults of the sacristy in the Gothic church from 1458 there are valuable objects to admire, ranging from gold and silver works, liturgical vessels, utensils, reliquaries and vestments from the late Middle Ages to modern times. There is also a rich collection of paraments from different centuries to visit in the Church (Kirchenschatzmuseum).

Village Museum Balgach

The grotesque illusion paintings from the 16th century are almost completely preserved, unique in Switzerland and a cultural heritage of national importance. The museum also shows the local culture and history.  

Alt-Falkenstein castle

The castle houses a museum of local history. The permanent exhibition includes collections of fossils, archaeological finds, weapons and militaria, ceramics, combs, engravings and an interior decoration of a medieval house.