Martigny, Fondation Barry, le 30 janvier, de gauche à droite: Christophe Darbellay (président du Conseil d’État valaisan), Nicolas Meilland, (Bureau d’architecture GAME), Anne-Laure Couchepin Vouilloz (présidente de la ville de Martigny) et Jean-Maurice Tornay (président de la Fondation Barry). Foto/Photo:TES

The Barryland Theme Park im Martigny

The laying of the foundation stone yesterday, 30 January 2024, marks the start of construction work on the future Barryland Theme Park (Parc thématique Barryland) in Martigny (canton of Valais). A time capsule was placed in the concrete as a symbolic gesture for future generations.

The Barry Foundation (Fondation Barry) plans to open the new 20,000 m2 park in the summer of 2025. Construction work began in August 2023 to carry out several preparatory phases before final planning permission was obtained in September.

Picture: Bureau d’architecture GAME, Martigny

Work on the foundations is now nearing completion, and the concrete walls of the museum’s central building will soon be erected.

The building was designed in the original shape of a paw print of a St Bernhard by GAME architects in Martigny. Visitors to the 20,000m2 park will learn everything about this human friend and social animal, from the history, myths and legends surrounding its 300-year history to its unique character.

Pictures: Bureau d’architecture GAME, Martigny

The Barry Foundation took over the legendary breeding of Saint Bernard dogs from the Congrégation des chanoises de l’Hospice du Grand-St-Bernard in 2005. Its mission is to continue the breeding of this race that is more than three hundred years old and to present the St Bernard dog to the public in all its facets.

The old museum building will be part of the Barryland Theme Park.

(Source and further information: Fondation Barry)