Riom, Winter 2022. Bild/Photo: TES.

Origen’s Cultural Campus

One project of the Origen Foundation (Fundaziun Origen) in Riom (canton of Graubünden) has barely begun, or the next is already emerging.

The Weisse Villa (White Villa) relocation in Mulegns was completed in 2020. The renovation of the famous Post Hotel Löwe is almost finished. The Foundation has also built a theatre (the Julierturm) on the Julier Pass. This theatre will be demolished in 2023, however.

The Foundation plans to build a new theatre and a cultural campus in Riom. This campus will house a new theatre, accommodation and office space for the foundation and staff, rehearsal rooms, storage rooms, classrooms, gastronomy and, for example, studios for stage clothes and props.

The budget is estimated at 15 million CHF. The Foundation has shown its ability to move villas and build theatres at a height of 2,284 metres. Riom’s cultural campus will be a success as well.

(Source and information: