The Planetary Path in the Jura

A walk to the planets is an ambitious plan. Mercury is closest to Earth but still 155 million kilometres away; Neptune is more than four billion kilometres from Earth. The other five planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, orbit the sun at a distance between these two extremes. Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus on … Read more » “The Planetary Path in the Jura”

Albert Hofmann and LSD

On Friday, 16 April 1943, pharmaceutical researcher Albert Hofmann (1906-2008) had an extraordinary experience at the Sandoz company in Basel. He had been researching a circulatory stimulant in vain for years. On this day, however, he had taken a small amount of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. He hallucinated, balanced on the verge of madness and ended … Read more » “Albert Hofmann and LSD”