Fifty years women’s suffrage

The Swiss Confederation introduced universal suffrage for men in 1848 as the first democracy in Europe and as one of the world’s first nations. History However, women’s right to vote at the national level would only become a reality on 26 March 1971, following the referendum of 7 February. Switzerland was almost the last country … Read more » “Fifty years women’s suffrage”

La Brévine, Siberia of Switzerland

The inhabitants of La Chaux-des-Tallières did not suspect in 1604 that their village would be called La Brévine three centuries later. In 1604 the (Protestant) inhabitants still had to go to Môtiers, Le Locle, or Travers for their church services. Catherine de Gonzague de Nevers (1568-1629), wife of Henri I d’Orléans-Longueville (1568-1591), and the Council … Read more » “La Brévine, Siberia of Switzerland”

The Federal Palace

The Federal Palace (Bundeshaus), the seat of the Swiss Parliament and government, is one of the most important monuments in Switzerland. The building consists of three parts: the West Wing, the Central Building and the East Wing. Work on the West Wing began in 1852 (after the foundation of the Confederation in 1848). The parliament … Read more » “The Federal Palace”