The Border Stones of Switzerland

Switzerland is a country of mountains, cheese, chocolate, cowbells, and border stones. Thousands of border stones mark the countryside. The history of the (small) cantons, their neighbouring countries, “Untertanengebiete”  and  “Zugewandte Orte” (allies of the Confederation), shows many border corrections. Untertanegebiete were occupied territories administered by the (predominantly) German-speaking Confederation or individual cantons. Chevenez (canton … Read more » “The Border Stones of Switzerland”

Birs River Landscape

The river Birs connects the eight municipalities between Pfeffingen, Birsfelden (canton Basel-Landschaft ), and Dornach (canton Solothurn). This river landscape (Birslandschaft) is an ecological area. It was named Nature Landscape of the Year in 2012. On the Birsuferweg, themed panels inform about the special features. Nature flourishes undisturbed in the Birs area, a densely populated … Read more » “Birs River Landscape”