St. Chrischona in Bettingen

St. Chrischona is the only mountain (522 metres) in the canton of Basel-Stadt. The nearby village of Bettingen is one of three communities in this small canton. The two other municipalities are Basel and Riehen. Most of the canton’s territory is located on the right bank of the Rhine, surrounded by German territory. Only the … Read more » “St. Chrischona in Bettingen”

Basel, Fasnacht and Switzerland

Basel’s Fasnacht, from 7 to 9 March this year, has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2017. What makes such an event a heritage, and how does it differ from similar ancient traditions? The Fasnacht The French translation for Fasnacht is ‘le carneval’. In other countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, this event … Read more » “Basel, Fasnacht and Switzerland”