Europe’s oldest democracy has a new government

On 13 December, Europe’s oldest democracy with universal suffrage (for men) elected the world’s most stable and oldest government with seven ministers (Bundesrat or Bundesratin). The appointment procedure for these seven ministers is also exceptional. The powers, the number (seven) of ministers, the term of office of the national government, the Federal Council (Bundesrat/Conseil fédéral), … Read more » “Europe’s oldest democracy has a new government”

The Swiss Political System

Switzerland’s political system is still considered a special case among modern democracies. Its origins lie in a multiplicity of languages, sovereign cantons, social structures and historical development. Elections for the national parliament took place in Switzerland on 22 October. This contribution does not discuss the outcome of these elections. The functioning of the system is … Read more » “The Swiss Political System”

The Confoederatio Helvetica

The abbreviation CH is derived from the official Latin name “Confoederatio Helvetica”. Curia Confoederatis Helveticae (CH) appears on the facade of the Federal Palace in Bern. Switzerland is the only European country with a Latin abbreviation with no linguistic relation to its current name. Helvetica refers to the Celtic tribe of Helvetians that inhabited the … Read more » “The Confoederatio Helvetica”