Lucelle and the Landskron, a regional history of European Dimensions

France and Switzerland, the cantons of Jura and Basel-Landschaft and the Department of Haut-Rhin meet in the village of Lucelle (Lützel). The Cistercian abbey was founded around 1123/1124 along the little river La Lucelle (die Lützel). Today, the river borders the Swiss canton of Jura and the French department of Haut-Rhin. In the 13th century, … Read more » “Lucelle and the Landskron, a regional history of European Dimensions”

Bridge-builder Regio Basiliensis

In the second century AD, the Romans and Celtic inhabitants of Augusta Raurica (today’s Augst, canton Basel-Landschaft) built the first bridge across the Rhine. Augusta Raurica was a city (Colonia) founded by the Romans in 44 BC. Augusta Raurica and the first bridge over the Rhine, a. 240 n. Chr. Image:  Augusta Raurica Museum A … Read more » “Bridge-builder Regio Basiliensis”

INFOBEST Palmrain Thirty Years

The German-French-Swiss INFOBEST PALMRAIN has provided free bilingual information, mediation and advice to citizens, associations, companies, public authorities and political actors on a wide range of cross-border issues for 30 years. The organisation was founded on 1 July 1993. The trinational institution celebrated its 30th anniversary on 21 April in the former customs station at … Read more » “INFOBEST Palmrain Thirty Years”