The Council of States

The parliamentary system consists of two chambers. This article focuses on the Council of States or Ständerat (Kantonskammer, Zweite Kammer, Kleine Kammer, Senate, Chambre de réflexion). The other chamber, the National Council, Nationalrat  (or Volkskammer, Erste Kammer, Grosse Kammer), will be discussed in the next article. This contribution briefly reviews the history, role, and place in the constitutional system and the … Read more » “The Council of States”

The Electoral System

Introduction Direct democracy, federalism and a unique political system of directly elected members of the executive (government) in the canton and the municipality are the basis of the country’s political stability.   On all three levels, municipality, canton and federal government (Bund/Fédération), collegiality applies: the government speaks with one voice. The government can never be dismissed … Read more » “The Electoral System”