The well-kept Christian Heritage of Switzerland

Even Switzerland, with its many (dissolved or still-functioning) monasteries and monumental (Reformed and Catholic) churches, will not formally be a Christian country in the foreseeable future. In the foreseeable future, most of its citizens will be ‘without religion’. However, in terms of symbolism, a country cannot be more Christian than Switzerland. The Swiss cross in … Read more » “The well-kept Christian Heritage of Switzerland”

The Cave Bear of Wenslingen, Grossholz near Ormalingen and the Ergolz in Oltingen

The stream Ergolz in canton Basel-Landschaft has a length of about 30 Kilometres. It originates at an altitude of 830 metres at the Geissflue on the cantonal border of Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn. It then flows through, among others, the villages of Anwil, Oltingen, Rothenfluh and Ormalingen on its way to the Rhine. Anwil The Ergolz … Read more » “The Cave Bear of Wenslingen, Grossholz near Ormalingen and the Ergolz in Oltingen”