12 September 1848

The present-day Swiss Confederation came into being on 12 September 1848. On that day, the parliament (Tagsatzung) approved the text after the cantons had adopted it with a majority of 15 ½ cantons against 6 ½. Of these 6 ½ opponents (Zug, Valais, Uri, Tessin, Schwyz, Appenzell Innerrhoden (1/2), Nidwalden (1/2) and Obwalden (1/2), 3 ½ … Read more » “12 September 1848”

Annual Meeting Regio Basiliensis

The Swiss organisation Regio Basiliensis held its 58th annual meeting on 9 September in St. Louis, France. Regio Basiliensis has about 450 members (public authorities, entrepreneurs, educational institutions and private persons) in the cantons of Jura, Aargau, Alsace, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn.  Its goal is to promote, stimulate and initiate cooperation and integration in the Rhine … Read more » “Annual Meeting Regio Basiliensis”

Monumental villages of Baselbiet

The city of Basel decreed in the sixteenth century that the houses in the villages had to be built in rows. From 1500 until 1833 (when Basel was split into the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft), the city of Basel governed the villages in Baselbiet in the present-day canton of Basel-Landschaft. Steep gable roofs with house entrances facing … Read more » “Monumental villages of Baselbiet”