A short History of Direct Democracy

The Swiss model of direct democracy often functions as an example of how to involve citizens and organisations in decision-making procedures. The historical development of this system and its manner of functioning are often unknown. Functioning Every system has its advantages and disadvantages, although one thing is sure: the democratic system is the best, whether … Read more » “A short History of Direct Democracy”

The secrets of the Wägital

An autumn hike along the shores of the Wägitalersee (canton Schwyz)  gives everything the Alpine landscape has to offer: mountains, forests, meadows, a lake, streams, a village, farms, cows, sheep and on this day (5 October)even beautiful weather. In October 1847, 175 years ago, it was not idyllic in Wägital and its two villages Innerthal … Read more » “The secrets of the Wägital”

The sovereignty of Switzerland

The history of the sovereignty of Switzerland knows many dates, myths and (historical and political) discussions. The territory of present-day Switzerland was still part of the Holy Roman Empire in the 15th century. In the 19th century, this territory (except Tarasp (1803),  Rhäzuns (1819) and Neuchâtel (1856)  became sovereign in 1815 and/or 1848. The period … Read more » “The sovereignty of Switzerland”