
The Partnerships 360 Symposium

The Partnerships 360 Symposium at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva takes place from 11 to 13 July. It brings together allied and partner nations for a free exchange of ideas on the future evolution of NATO’s partnerships policy.

Switzerland is the first partner nation to be tasked with organising the Partnerships 360 Symposium. This annual symposium was first held in 2018, Greece hosted the symposium in 2019. Switzerland is now hosting the third event.

The symposium brings together civilian and military representatives from NATO members and partner nations. The purpose  is facilitating dialogue on the future evolution of NATO’s partnerships policy.

Switzerland has also been involved in NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) since 1996. The PfP provides an institutionalised framework for security policy dialogue with NATO, the member countries and partner nations, including a number of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.

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