The Celts and Romans in Bern

Das römische Badegebäude, 1. Jh. N. Chr.Foto:

The area of the city of Bern was already inhabited in the Iron Age (after 800 BC) and during the Roman occupation (15 BC – 400 AD).  The small informative exhibition shows the remains of this history on the Enge peninsula (Engehalbinel). Since the Iron Age, several Celtic tribes have lived in the Swiss Mittelland. … Read more » “The Celts and Romans in Bern”

The Celtic Sanctuary of the Mormont

Le Mormont, au pied du Jura. Photo/Foto: W. Dusan (red.), Le Mormont. Un sanctuaire des Helvètes en terre vaudoise vers 100 avant J.-C., Lausanne 2009).

The Swiss cement manufacturer Holcim did what it has been doing for decades: making cement from lime by digging up mountains and hills. On the Mormont hill, between the villages of Éclépens and La Sarraz (canton of Vaud), the excavations were in full swing in 2006. One of the most significant archaeological sites of Celtic … Read more » “The Celtic Sanctuary of the Mormont”

Bibracte and Swiss History

The Archaeological Museum Bibracte. Photo: TES.

One of the crucial events in the history of Switzerland took place in 58 BC, in the Celtic or Gallic oppidum Bibracte on the Beuvray mountain in Burgundy, near Autun. Cesar stopped the migration or advance of the Helvetians (Helvetii) and some other Celtic tribes from northern Switzerland. This battle between the Roman and Celtic tribes … Read more » “Bibracte and Swiss History”