The Roman bridges of Augusta Raurica

Augusta Raurica und die Brücke, 2.Jahrhundert. Museum Augusta Raurica, Foto: TES.

From 80 AD, parts of the area on the right bank of the Rhine also belonged to the Roman Empire. The road network played a decisive role in the control and administration of the empire, military transports and trade. There was an extensive and well-functioning postal network. About 80,000 kilometres of long-distance roads (!) made … Read more » “The Roman bridges of Augusta Raurica”

The Murus Gallicus of Basilia

Basel, Münsterhügel, Murus Gallicus. Foto/Photo: TES.

More than 2000 years ago, the Celts (the tribe of Rauraci) built the first fortification of Basilia, the Murus Gallicus. Around 80 B.C., the Celtic population sought shelter behind fortified buildings, probably because Germanic tribes appeared. Along the Rhine, fortified centres were built at strategic points, such as on the Münsterhügel. The settlement was surrounded by … Read more » “The Murus Gallicus of Basilia”

New Centre of the Augusta Raurica museum

Sammlungszentrum Augusta Raurica. Foto/Photo: TES.

The new scientific and administrative centre of the Augusta Raurica open-air museum (Sammlungszentrum) in the canton of Basel-Landschaft was recently inaugurated. The centre is near the Ostport, the Roman viaduct on the east side of this Roman city, and the archaeological zoo. The centre concentrates all the museum’s activities in one building. Previously, the departments … Read more » “New Centre of the Augusta Raurica museum”