Swiss Democracy at Work

Switzerland’s political system is unique in the world. It also functions relatively well. The country is not only the world champion of direct citizen control over municipal, cantonal and national policy. The governments of municipalities and cantons are also directly elected by the people through the absolute majority system per candidate. Moreover, the number of … Read more » “Swiss Democracy at Work”

The Tafeljura, Chrindeltal, Stierengraben and Gelterkinden

The Tafeljura Plateau The climate and nature have permanently changed since the beginning of planet Earth more than four billion years ago. From a geological point of view, the Jura and the Alps are relatively recent witnesses. The Gletsjergarten in Lucerne offers an impressive picture of these processes. Nature, too, is constantly adapting to climatic … Read more » “The Tafeljura, Chrindeltal, Stierengraben and Gelterkinden”