The Border Stones of Switzerland

Switzerland is a country of mountains, cheese, chocolate, cowbells, and border stones. Thousands of border stones mark the countryside. The history of the (small) cantons, their neighbouring countries, “Untertanengebiete”  and  “Zugewandte Orte” (allies of the Confederation), shows many border corrections. Untertanegebiete were occupied territories administered by the (predominantly) German-speaking Confederation or individual cantons. Chevenez (canton … Read more » “The Border Stones of Switzerland”

Nature Park Schaffhausen

15 municipalities in the region of Schaffhausen (13 municipalities in the canton) and Germany (the municipalities of Jestetten and Lottstetten) cooperate in the Regional Nature Park of Schaffhausen (Der Regionale Naturpark Schaffhausen). The park is the first cross-border natural park in Switzerland. (Source and further information: